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Without Our Own Internet, Germany and Europe Have No Sovereignty (Der Spiegel, Germany)


"The notion of entering into a 'no-spy agreement' is absurd. The U.S. is incapable of entering into an agreement that demands self-restraint. There is no agreement in the world to which the U.S. intelligence services would adhere - we now know that much. But stopping the Free Trade Agreement would be equally wrong. Why should Germany harm its economic interests to defend its legal interests? ... In South America, the creation of their own network is being contemplated. That is also the correct path for the European Union."


By Jacob Augstein



Translated By Stephanie Martin


November 4, 2013


Germany - Der Spiegel - Original Article (German)

Members of the Internet Party of Ukraine smash a pumpkin with headphones, at a demonstration in front of the U.S. Embassy in Kiev, Nov. 1.

CNN NEWS VIDEO, U.S.: Bill Keller v. Glenn Greenwald: Greenwald's take, Nov. 3, 00:07:19RealVideo

America thinks it is at war and no longer acknowledges its allies. The era of post-war nostalgia is over. Europe and Germany must protect their interests themselves - and upgrading themselves technology.


"Because of the entire international situation, sovereignty of the Federal Republic of Germany is politically impossible, nor is it desirable, without reunification with the Soviet zone," said Gerhard Luetkens, the first postwar Social Democratic Party foreign policy expert. That was in 1951, in what was still the parliament in Bonn, and one wouldn't have thought we would be coming back to this again. The problem was supposed to have been taken care of: Far and wide - there is no Soviet zone to be seen, and Germany is reunified as a sovereign state.


But that was a mistake. In no way are we sovereign. A sovereign state would not allow a foreign power to spy on its entire citizen population - and certainly not its chancellor. But this is something Germany tolerates  - and it isn't because of, as Luetkens said, "the entire international situation." It is because of the chancellor. Under her leadership, Berlin is by necessity once again what Bonn was: a suburb of Washington.


This past week was rough for Angela Merkel. She isn't usually unsentimental, but when it comes to America, she is generally not considered capable of the coolness once expressed by Bismarck: "I cannot justify, either in myself or others, that sympathies and antipathies with regard to foreign powers and persons should take precedence over my sense of duty in the foreign service of my country."


Just two years ago, the woman from the East was proud when the U.S. president awarded her the Medal of Freedom, and now she learns that this same man's secret service has been spying on her.


Generally speaking, there is a lot of disappointed affection on the German side. Didn't we not think we were friends of the Americans?  Did we not go to war with them in Afghanistan? Did we not die with them there? And yet they trample on us?


It is time to leave the nostalgia of the post-war years behind. Our longing for the West ends at Cape Finisterre. Germany has Europe - and nothing else. We're happy to be U.S. allies, but to quote Bismarck again – even this alliance is subject to "rebus sic stanti."


Der Spiegel, Germany: Ten Essential Witnesses for Investigating NSA Surveillance
Der Spiegel, Germany: Et Tu, UK? Anger Grows over British Spying in Berlin
Der Spiegel, Germany: Germany's Quandary: The Debate over Asylum for Snowden
Der Spiegel, Germany: Free Press? Guardian Editor Laments 'Retrogressive' Government
Der Spiegel, Germany: Codependent: Merkel's Pragmatic Approach to the NSA Scandal
Der Spiegel, Germany: Merkel Spying: It's 'Unlikely' White House Didn't Know


When circumstances change, the cards are reshuffled. Neither France nor Germany has withdrawn their allegiance to the United States. But the U.S. has withdrawn its commitment to reason. The bitter truth: Digital omnipotence has gone to the heads of the Americans. In its current condition, is the country even capable of alliances? According to The New York Times, The word "ally" is slowly starting to sound like a 20th century term that has lost all meaning."


Absurd Rituals: Minimization and Empty Threats


The U.S. has imposed a permanent state of emergency on itself and the world. It has now become a totalitarian state in the sense that its right to security has become absolute and all encompassing - making it somewhat self-destructive. No conceivable benefit can outweigh the damage this surveillance has done. It is quite simple: The Americans really don't need a lesson in democracy from the Germans - but Germans shouldn't tolerate American surveillance. German-American relations will survive this disaster - but German-American friendship may not.


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Merkel, one can well imagine, is furious, but the correct policy response still hasn't been issued. First, the absurd ritual of minimizing events will be replaced by the equally absurd ritual of empty threats: It's touching the way our Interior Minister Friedrich talks like the lawyer that he is: "Surveillance is a punishable offence and those responsible must be held accountable."


Friedrich and Pofalla - Summertime Masters of Minimization


Incidentally, this scandal will become the first sin committed by [Merkel's] impending Grand Coalition: If the SPD were still part of the opposition, Interior Minister Friedrich and Chancellery Chief of Staff Pofalla, masters of [NSA scandal] minimization this past summer, would have to dress warmly.

Posted By Worldmeets.US


And now? The notion of entering into a "no-spy agreement" is absurd. The U.S. is incapable of entering into an agreement that demands self-restraint. There is no agreement in the world to which the U.S. intelligence services would adhere - we now know that much. But stopping the Free Trade Agreement would be equally wrong. Why should Germany harm its economic interests to defend its legal interests?


Angela Merkel must now do something she has no talent for: intentionally shape policy. She wasn't elected to be Washington's concierge. The alliance with America is a community of interests, not values. Therefore, Europe - and Germany - should do a better job of defending their interests.


In South America, the creation of their own network is being contemplated. That is also the correct path for the European Union: A massive project for a digital continental infrastructure - but without Britain, which cannot be a reliable partner.


And because there is a new Cold War, Merkel should recall Helmut Schmidt and the NATO Double Track Decision. This time, however, it isn't clear who the enemy is. It may even be our best friend. Germany should arm itself against this: Our intelligence services and digital security must be strengthened. As unlikely as it sounds, Angela Merkel must arm and upgrade - technologically.   


Folha, Brazil: NSA Scandal No More than a Temporary Annoyance
O Globo, Brazil: U.S. Must Employ Famed 'Checks and Balances' on NSA
China Daily, China: American 'Anti-Terror' Spies Have No Place in China
NZZ, Switzerland: NSA and Germany: a 'Highly Toxic Outrage Cocktail'
Ryukyo Shimpo, Japan: Japan Must Safeguard Data from 'Superpower in Decline'
Japan Times, Japan: NSA asked Japan to Tap Regionwide Fiber-Optic Cables in 2011
La Jornada, Mexico: Human Rights, the NSA, and U.S. Moral Decline
Le Monde, France: After PRISM, E.U. Must Safeguard 'Emerging Global Consciousness'
Le Nouvel Observateur, France: NSA Snoops on France: 'Like Spying on Family'
Le Monde, France: 'How the NSA Spies on the French'
Le Monde, France: Fighting 'Big Brother'
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El Pais, Spain: Mass U.S. Monitoring of Innocent Non-Americans Must End
BNR Nieuwsradio, The Netherlands: The NSA Proves Dalai Lama Wrong
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Telegraph, U.K.: David Cameron 'Spies' Trouble
Der Spiegel, Germany: Embassy Espionage: The NSA's Secret Spy Hub in Berlin
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Germany: Say it isn't so, NSA!
Guardian, U.K.: Spain Summons U.S. Ambassador Over Claim NSA Tracked Millions
Rzeczpospolita, Poland: Europe's 'NSA Envy'
Die Zeit, Germany: NSA Blackmail of Obama Himself is Not Far-Fetched
Polityka, Poland: Allies or Enemies? American Intelligence Has Lost the Plot
Trouw, The Netherlands: U.S. Spying? Don't Put Your Open Data in the Town Square!
La Jornada, Mexico: Latest NSA Leak Puts President Nieto's Credibility at Stake
de Volkskrant, The Netherlands: Snowden Exposes NSA Christmas Holiday Loophole!
O Globo, Brazil: NSA's 'Anti-Privacy Services' and NASA's 'Earth-Shaking
Guardian, U.K.: France Summons U.S. Envoy Over NSA Surveillance Claims
Dep Speigel, Germany: Fresh Leak: NSA Accessed Mexican President's E-mail
La Jornada, Mexico: Nations Should Quickly Heed Advice of Greenwald, Assange
Guardian, U.K.: World Editors: 'What Guardian is Doing is Important for Democracy
Guardian, U.K.: Surveillance, Democracy, Transparency - Views from Across the Globe
Guardian, U.K.: EDITORIAL: Spies and Journalism: When Worlds Collide
Izvestia, Russia: Global Call to Arms Against 'American Exceptionalism'
Huanqiu, China: Letter By Vladimir Putin Exposes 'Exceptional' American Inequality
de Volkskrant, The Netherlands: Putin's Note to Americans a Guilty Pleasure for World
Epoca, Brazil: America's 'Undemocratic' Surveillance is More Invasive than China's
Guardian, U.K.: Committee to Protect Journalists Issues Scathing Report on Obama
Guardian, U.K.: NSA Reform Under Threat by 'Business-as-Usual Brigade' - Wyden
Estadao, Brazil: Warning to Brazil Lawmakers Before Meeting with Snowden
Folha, Brazil: NSA's Great Power Challenge to Brazil
El Mundo, Spain: The U.N.'s Yearly Show Again Plays a Vital Role
Folha, Brazil: 'In His Heart,' Obama Knows Rousseff is Right about Spying
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Pagina Siete, Bolivia: U.S. Fears, Not Evil, Motivate Desperate Search for Snowden
El Nacional, Bolivia: Snowden: South America Must Take Stand Against Old Europe
El Universal, Venezuela: Maduro Uses Snowden Asylum to Distract Venezuelan People
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El Nacional, Venezuela: Bienvenido to Venezuela, Double Agent Snowden!
Hoy, Ecuador: Snowden Highlights Ecuador's Decision-Making Paradox
Folha, Brazil: Dilma Postpones Her U.S. State Visit; Saves Face for Both Sides
Epoca, Brazil: President Rousseff: Snowden Documents Show U.S. Economic Espionage
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Carta Maior, Brazil: Invasions of Privacy and the Tools of Terror Maintenance
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O Globo, Brazil: Brazil 'Gravely Concerned' Over Massive NSA Espionage
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O Globo, Brazil: President Rousseff's U.S. State Visit Imperiled By NSA Spying
Der Spiegel, Germany: 'Follow the Money': NSA Monitors Financial World
Guardian, U.K.: Edward Snowden 'Living Incognito in Russia'
BBC News, U.K.: Reporter Glenn Greenwald to Testify at Brazil Spy Probe
Der Spiegel, Germany: iSpy: How America's NSA Accesses Smartphone Data
Estadao, Brazil: Explaining John Kerry's Shellacking in Brazil
Cuba Debate, Cuba: Castro: 'Who Was Paid to Lie' about Snowden Being Allowed in Cuba?
Jornal Do Brasil, Brazil: Chancellor Tells Kerry: 'Terminate' Spying on Brazilians
Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Russia: The Prohibitive Global Price of Poor U.S.-Russia Relations
Der Spiegel, Germany: Codename 'Apalachee': How America Spies on Europe and the U.N.
Der Spiegel, Germany: Merkel Rival Calls for Suspension of Trade Talks
Telegraph, U.K.: NSA Employees Spied on their Lovers Using Eavesdropping Program
Reuters, U.K.: Close Cameron Aides Asked Paper to Destroy Snowden Data
People's Daily, China: America Must Come to the Table on Surveillance
Guardian, U.K.: Innocent have Nothing to Fear? After Miranda, We Know Where that Leads
Guardian, U.K.: Groklaw Legal Site Shuts Over Fears of NSA E-Mail Snooping
Guardian, U.K.: 'Sending a Message': What U.S. and U.K. are Attempting to Do
Guardian, U.K.: U.S. Senators Warn NSA Privacy Breaches Just 'Tip of the Iceberg'
Der Spiegel, Germany: Merkel and the NSA: The Scandal That Will Not Die
Guardian, U.K.: Dangers All Reporters Now Face: David Miranda and Journalism
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Guardian, U.K.: 'Attempt at Intimidation Will Result in More Disclosures'
Savon Sanomat, Finland: Better For Finland that Obama Goes to Sweden
Yezhednevniy Zhurnal, Russia: Snowden: Kremlin Tool for Reducing U.S. Web Dominance
Huanqiu, China: 'United Global Front' Defeats America in Snowden Affair
Die Tageszeitung, Germany: Manning Trial: Superficial Justice to Save American Face
El Pais, Spain: Manning Verdict a Warning to Future 'Heroes of Transparency'
Izvestia, Russia: Turning Mr. Snowden into a Tool of Russian 'Soft Power'
De Morgan, Belgium: U.S.-E.U. Meeting on NSA Surveillance a 'Sham'
Der Spiegel: Three PRISMS? Parliament Seeks Clarity in NSA Espionage Scandal
ABC, Spain: Fear of Vladivostok Escape for Snowden Drives U.S. Threats Against Venezuela
Moskovskij Komsomolets, Russia: Snowden: Putin's Perfect 'Anti-Magnitisky' Weapon
Gazeta, Russia: Chapman and Snowden in: 'The Ghost of Sheremetyevo'
Izvestia, Russia: South vs. North: Snowden's Place in History is Assured
Kommersant, Russia: Snowden's Presence May Scuttle Obama's Visit to Russia
Izvestia, Russia: 'Servile Europeans' Inflict Huge Insult on Bolivians
Wiener Zeitung, Austria: Edward Snowden is No Enemy of Our State!
La Stampa: Europe Will Rue Toppling Obama Over Snowden
The Hankyoreh, South Korea: What Hugo Chavez Would Say about U.S. Surveillance
Le Monde, France: French Big Brother is Watching You!
Guardian, U.K.: The NSA's Indiscriminate Mass Spying on Brazilians
Le Monde, France: French Political Class Holds 'Outrage Contest' Over NSA Spying
DNA, France: Espionage ... From Washington, With Love
Liberation, France: The NSA 'Panopticon'
Der Standard, Austria: Mass NSA Surveillance Implies 'Bizarre Presumption of Guilt'
Guardian,U.K.: NSA/GCHQ Metadata Reassurances are 'Breathtakingly Cynical'
Observer, U.K.: U.S. Attempts to Block Edward Snowden 'Bolsters' Case for Asylum
Der Tagesspiegel, Germany: NSA: Merkel Ignores the Nightmare of 'Stasi Squared'
Der Spiegel: What's All the Fuss About U.S. Spying?
Guardian, U.K.: Britain Blocks Crucial Espionage Talks between U.S. and Europe
Guardian, U.K.: France 'runs vast electronic spying operation using NSA-style Methods'
Guardian, U.K.: Venezuela and Nicaragua offer asylum to Edward Snowden
Elsevier, The Netherlands: Snowden's Revelations are of 'No Benefit to Society'
Der Spiegel, Germany: NSA Spying on Germany: How Much Did Angela Merkel Know?
Der Spiegel, Germany Bolivia Irate Over Forced Landing
Der Spiegel, Germany: Germany Rejects Asylum for Snowden
News, Switzerland: Humanity's Cyber-Hypocrisy Overload
El Comercio, Ecuador: Wanting to Keep U.S. Trade Privileges is Not Treason!
Der Spiegel, Germany: Spying 'Out of Control': EU Official Questions Trade Negotiations
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Guardian, U.K.: New NSA Leaks Show how U.S. is Bugging its European Allies
Der Spiegel, Germany: Partner and Target: NSA Snoops on 500 Million German Data Connections
Diario de Noticias, Portugal: America 'Summons World' to Renewed Cold War
Guardian, U.K.: Ecuador Rejects U.S. Trade Pact to Thwart Snowden 'Blackmail'
Guardian, U.K: Glenn Greenwald on Personal Side of Taking on NSA - Personal Smears
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Guardian, U.K.: Snowden Affair Revives Politics of the Cold War
Guardian, U.K.: 'History will be Kind' to Edward Snowden
Guardian, U.K.: Latin America is ready to defy the US over Snowden and other issues
Guardian, U.K.: Putin Confirms Snowden in Moscow Airport; No Extradition
The New York Times, U.S.: China Said to Have Made Call to Let Leaker Depart
People's Daily, China: U.S. Internet Hypocrisy Creates Global Suspicion
Global Times, China: Internet 'Muckraking Frenzy' Damaging China's Global Interests
Huanqiu, China: 'Demented' Hacking Charges Betray U.S. Scheme for Cyber Domination
Guardian, U.K.: Snowden Leaves Hong Kong for Moscow: Seeks Asylum in Ecuador
Financial Times, U.K.: Snowden Fallout Impacts China and Russia
Russia Today, Russia: VIDEO: Former MI5 Agent Judges Snowden 'Canny'
Folha, Brazil: Trust in the State Inadequate as a Pretext for NSA's Spying
Les Dernieres Nouvelles d'Alsace, France: Edward Snowden is Not the Issue
El Pais, Spain: Powerless, Europe Must Nevertheless Stand Up to NSA Spying Program
Global Times, China: Demonizing China Will Backfire on Americans
Global Times, China: Extraditing Snowden Would Be a Mistake
Xinhua, China: 'Idealistic' Edward Snowden Should be Welcomed by China
Mediapart, France: 'Autonomous Machines': World Reawakens to U.S. Web Dominance
Guardian, U.K.: Britain's GCHQ Intercepted Data from Foreign Politicians at G20 Summits
Le Monde, France: French Lawmakers Scramble Over News of NSA Surveillance
Le Temps, Switzerland: Last Resort for Confronting 'Electronic Big Brother'
The Frontier Post, Pakistan: On Global Spying for Selfish National Interest
Mediapart, France: The NSA is Spying on Us! What a Surprise!
El Espectador, Colombia: Please Consider Yourself Watched!
Le Monde, France: NSA Surveillance Storm Gathers Over Cloud Market
Folha, Brazil: Being 'Carioca' Helped Glenn Greenwald Break NSA Surveillance Story
Sol, Portugal: WikiLeaks and Facebook: What Came Before Will Soon Be Rubble
Guardian, U.K.: World Leaders Seek Answers on NSA Data Collection Programs
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Russia Today, Russia: Putin: Government Surveillance 'Should Not Break the Law'
Guardian, U.K.: Russia Offers to Consider Edward Snowden Asylum Request
Handelsblatt, Germany: Obama's Data Nightmare is Europe's
FAZ, Germany: Protect Us from Terrorism ... and Government Snooping
SCMP, Hong Kong: What Will Hong Kong do with Snowden? ... The World is Watching
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Suedostschweiz, Switzerland: Exposed: Spy Powers that Obama Shouldn't Use
Le Temps, Switzerland: Exploring the Limits of Sino-U.S. Compromise
Business Day, South Africa: Obama Sets 'Dubious Example' on Freedom
Economist, U.K.: The Reason We Fear Broad Surveillance
Guardian, U.K.: The NSA's Secret Tool to Track Global Surveillance Data




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Posted By Worldmeets.US Nov. 4, 2013, 08:59am